Inspector IQ is in Beta!
*Requires Windows Vista or Later
Download Beta
Current Features
- Automatically create optimized route from Inspectorade exported joblist
- New autoroute function will take all provided jobs and your designated end time, and remove any jobs from your route needed to fit those requirements, taking into account due dates and distances
- Include follow-up & custom (non-inspectorade) jobs in the route
- Ability to search jobs by any field
- Highlight jobs due by certain date
- Modify route on-the-fly to fit custom time restraints *
- Notifies you when a waypoint is far out of the way (inefficient)
- On-Screen generated vacancy certifications, complete with on-screen signature
- One-click navigation to job
- Application looks up coordinates for each address before route is created, allowing for exact navigation when address is obscure
- Application notifies inspector when is near one of his assigned jobs, even if it wasn't included in the route
- Ability to export jobs to a CSV file or direct to printer
- Provides estimate of how long remainder of route will take to complete
- Application checks each inspection by type, and estimates how long you will need to be stopped there. This enables the route duration estimate to be more accurate
- Turn-by-turn navigation support for PC Navigator**, Windows 10 built-in Maps app, Delorme Street Atlas**, and all common android & Windows 8\10 navigation apps***
- Can take all the jobs currently assigned to the user, and create a route that fits in your custom time frame. In doing so it will include jobs based on their importance (based on proximity to due date), and efficiency (how far out of the way it is).
- Touch-friendly controls
*brief internet connection needed while route is in progress
**Some initial configuration may be required, instructions will be provided in an upcoming release
***Uses a either a QR Code to send address from Inspection Helper to Android device, or (NEW!) a USB connection to automatically start navigation on a connected android device
**Some initial configuration may be required, instructions will be provided in an upcoming release
***Uses a either a QR Code to send address from Inspection Helper to Android device, or (NEW!) a USB connection to automatically start navigation on a connected android device
Upcoming Features
- Inspection Helper Team mode: Will automatically relay photos taken on an android device to a laptop, where a team mate can finish the inspection using the Inspectorade desktop client (Inspectorade Jr.)
- Ability to save session and resume for later routing
- Ability to create a route on one computer and execute it on another
- Mobile app
- Make custom reminders and checklists that appear based on the kind of inspection (e.g. reminders to leave call back card, special photos required, etc), that pop up when you start the inspection
- Support for printing needed paperwork. Will support mobile printers in-car
- Will automatically search jobs details and display important info on-screen, like lockbox codes, required forms, etc
- More user settings for parameters and thresholds used in the app, allowing for more customization
- automatically detect when route end time falls past specified end time (or sundown if no end time specified)and you won't be able to finish the route for the day, enable lower-priority jobs to be automatically removed as needed
- Show more information panels on GPS overlay bar, like current job details, nearby jobs, and next job on the route
- Record miles driven on current route
- Ability to export jobs to a GPX route file that a dash-mount GPS unit can read
- Ability to export jobs to an ordered list of addresses that opens on a mobile device, and allows for one-click navigation from that list
- Text-to-speech